
Quicklime – Essential for our Everyday Life

Limestone is a common material used in the construction industry, mainly as a building material in cement and roads. Quicklime, or burned limestone, however, might be one of the most well-kept secrets of the industrial age. It is used in building materials and paper, a wide range of agricultural processes – even in the purification of water. It’s also essential for manufacturing steel, and works as a detergent in all types of industrial processes. This makes quicklime one of the most commonly used materials in the world; it’s a fundamental, yet invisible part of our everyday lives.

At the same time as quicklime is essential for different cleaning processes, the production of quicklime itself has historically been a dirty business. Global quicklime production accounts for 1 percent of global CO2 emissions, equivalent to half of all private airplane traffic. Now that’s a relationship, in desperate need of a clean break.

We want to transform today’s unsustainable production pattern and reduce our emissions at an unforeseen speed. And we’ve figured out a way to do it.